Wednesday 28 March 2018

Learning the Best Way to Gain Muscle Mass

Finding the best way to gain muscle mass can be challenging for some. Isometrics Mass If you're like me, your first day in the gym you got on a machine and started haphazardly moving stuff around. Not only will this not get you muscular, you'll probably injure yourself. Whether your goal is strength or aesthetically-driven, I hope you find this article informative.

Hands down, the best way to gain muscle mass quickly is to use free weights. There are no exceptions. Regardless of age, gender, or fitness level, free weights are the way to go. They are more difficult to do because you have to unrack, move, and rack the weight while keeping it balanced yourself, recruiting more muscle fibers than a machine. Free weights also garner more of a response from the central nervous system than a machine, and you have a better sense of how your body and the weight moves through space as a result of consistent lifting.

The best way to gain muscle mass fast requires heavy lifting with low repetitions, along with lots and lots of eating. You need to eat like a horse. You need until your stomach is full, and then eat some more. If you want to get big fast, plan to eat 6-7 large meals a day. I would also recommend supplementing protein if you do not feel you are getting your 1 gram per pound of bodyweight. If you do an all-out bulk like this, expect some fat gains. If you eat clean, you will have nothing to worry about, as fat gains will be kept to a minimum. Make sure you're giving it your all in the gym, however. Train to much and neglect your eating, and you will end up tired and your growth will stall. Eat too much and don't train enough and you will end up gaining fat, not muscle. This is a double edged sword.

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